It’s our 20 year school reunion on Saturday.
Farking hell … already!? Sheesh … now there’s a kak thought right there!
Mmk, I’m crapping myself just a bit – I haven’t really kept in touch with anyone from “back in the day” and it’s going to be VERY weird to see everyone again.
And possibly rather uncomfortable.
X: So, what did you study when you left school?
Me: Um, nothing …
X: Oh (loser) Well, I did medicine and went on to become Professor of Some-Unpronouncable-Faculty at Such-and-Such University.
Y: Do you have children?
Me: Oh, yes! I have 2 beautiful boys π
Y: How lovely! How old are they?
Me: 17 and 14.
Y: Goodness! You started young, didn’t you? (slut)
Me: I guess so; I was 20 when I had my first.
Y: Mine are 6 and 3 and they are just so gorgeous! I love being a full time Mom. Of course, its tricky juggling all the spa treatments, Pilates classes and tennis lessons with family life, but my live-in Nanny is SUCH a help!
Me: I find it hard to balance work and family life.
Z: What is it you that do?
Me: I’m a web designer.
Z: Oh, how nice for you (yawn). Where are your offices?
Me: I work from home.
Z: Aaah, I see. (so, you obviously can’t be very good/successful then)
Y: Oh look at that! There’s my husband playing catch with our kids (my life is so perfect)
X: And where is YOUR husband?
Me: I’m divorced. I’m here with my boyfriend. Meet Sir G.
Y: *gasp* (he looks a bit YOUNG!)
Z: I’m getting married next year, to a stinking rich property developer in New York. Actually, I have to jet back there on Monday for my final dress fitting with Vera Wang.
Me: Congratulations! I hope you’re both very happy … Well, it’s been swell ladies; hopefully we can stay in touch in the future?
X + Y + Z: Oh yes daaarling … we simply MUST do that! Cheerio love!
(OMG! How can she wear those shoes with that outfit? It looks like she hasn’t had a manicure since like forever! And I’m SURE those tits are fake)
Meh. Meh. Meh.
Cynical? Only a little bit …
It’s probably going to be nothing like this. I hope.
Hehehehe – that would have been classic! π
Hey Rox π
LOL! I was so tempted to get a fake tattoo, load my piercings up and wear my Goth look for the event waha!!
At least you’re not a generic clone type who has a ‘paint by numbers’ life – and I agree, it is total jealousy that would make them give you that crap.
I bunked my recent 10 year reunion, partly because I also had similar feelings – in my case though it was for NOT being a mommy and wife, or for my tattoos and job (most people can’t even spell copywriter, so getting them to understand what I do is a bit of a mission).
As it turns out, it was just as I had thought, same crap as in school, little cliques all in their groups, competition over who had babies first, and no booze allowed in the venue. I will consider my 20th, then rock up in a blaze of outrageousness and fabulous and show all those silly girls what life should be like! π
@Jeanette … had to Google PMSL wahaha π
I’ll take pics ‘n stuff!
@Po … WOW. Sheesh, thank you! That puts into perspective a bit for me … I get so wrapped up in my own head sometimes that I don’t see the big picture of my life and certainly not in the way that others do!
JustB, you are on my list of uber successful people, running your own business, employing other people, being a boss, a single mom and all that is unbelievable to me!
I am sure they won’t know what to say because they are impressed.
And Exmi… watch what you say chick!! That’s me you’re talking about… the one that’s 36 with a 3 and 6 yo! PMSL!
PMSL! Cannot wait to read your blog after the event! It’s my 20 year reunion next year, and like you I’m not too sure I really want to know what everyone is doing with themselves.
Yes! Absolutely … I’m VERY glad I had my kids young. I wouldn’t want to go back and change a thing about that π
fack them all. in a few years time, you’ll have your kids out the house and you’ll have all this free time on your hands (and you’ll still be young), them with their 3 and 6 year olds will only be 60 when their kids are gone. leaving them boring, fat pensioners.
aren’t you glad you had your kids ‘young’?
Thank you π
Goodness gracious – I’m feeling SOOOOO much better about all this WAH!
Simply put: You’re incredibly successful, you’re very attractive and you’re such a lovely person.
Those beeeches have nothing on you! π
Yeah … I’m guilty of jumping to some conclusions myself!
Here I was assuming that the reunion would be crap because I’m imagining all those girls to be incredibly brilliant beautiful successes, in every way possible … and that’s just crazy hey? I’m still seeing them all as the Perfect Prefect types – those chicks RULED!
Anyhoo … I must just get over myself and see this as a fun day out. it *could* turn out to be very cool and I may even connect with one or two of them and make some new friends π
I think there are about 65 of us altogether for the picnic.
Me: Iβm a web designer.
Z: Oh, how nice for you (yawn). Where are your offices?
Me: I work from home.
Z: Aaah, I see. (so, you obviously canβt be very good/successful then)
Ag, don’t you just hate people who jump to conclusions? Z would be in for a huge surprise!
@Dad – thank you. Your Sue is an inspiration to me every day, and I am so thankful for her. So this getting herself down bs does not fly with me. I say screw them!
hehe.good. as i said, screw them.
(always remember what happened to me: the girl who gave ME the prize in matric for “girl who will make nothing of her life”, had to serve me as my waitress six years later. the girl who told ME that I’d “get married four times and have six illegitimate children” had to eat her words at her third baby shower that I attended. the girl who told ME I’d “never get a real job and just be a leech from her parents”, had to process my parents plane tickets one day in flight centre that I paid for. When I asked her where she was living now, she said “with my folks”.)
always. remember. that.
What do want? – Fact or Fiction!!!
You are so honest and you think everyone else is. Good on you Cath.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! OMF … I love it π *efg*
I’m feeling rather amped all of a sudden WAH!
OR IT WILL GO: (and it will be like this Suetjie)
X: So, what did you study when you left school?
Me: Nothing. i knew it all already you just hadnt noticed because youre an undiagnosed retard
Y: Do you have children?
Me: Oh, yes! I have 2 beautiful boys π
Y: How lovely! How old are they?
Me: 17 and 14.
Y: Goodness. and look how thing you are.
Me: I guess so; I was 20 when I had my first.
Y: I wish i could lose my baby fat. my third husband finds me unattractive now. Whatwith my saggy boobs that even surgery can no longer help, and my arse thats as wide as table mountain because i just love to sit and watch oprah
Me: I find it hard to balance work and family life.
Z: What is it you that do?
Me: Iβm a web designer. I own and run my own company, with an amazing team.
Z: Oh, how nice for you (yawn). Where are your offices?
Me: I work from home as I have more than enough space there
Z: Aaah, I see. Im stuck in a cubicle and dont even know my staff number. i am getting a nice gold watch when i retire tho
Y: Oh look at that! Thereβs my husband playing catch with our kids (my life is so perfect)
X: And where is YOUR husband?
Me: Iβm divorced. Iβm here with my boyfriend. Meet Sir G.Who is waaay younger than me, so HOT and thinks im the bees fucking knees
Y: *gasp* (he looks a bit YOUNG!)
Z: Iβm getting married next year, to a stinking rich property developer in New York. Actually, I have to jet back there on Monday for my final dress fitting with Vera Wang. But im not sure if its me he’s marrying or his mother.