OMG! It’s Thursday already!!! Crap – where the hell has this week gone?
And now we have only 2 weeks till we close up shop and about 50 sites to get through before then. Shit. Shit. Shit.
So thankful for my wonderful team. Seriously.
Christmas in 3 weeks … ARGH!
I have a squeaky right shoe – it’s annoying me.
Even more annoying though is a tree outside scraping against my metal fencing and driving me completely dilly.
I really need to get outside today. Somehow. Just a few minutes in the fresh air and sunshine …
Yesterday I had to be the Bad Guy for someone. Today I get to be the Good Guy for someone. Rollercoaster.
I’m a bit worried about Son#1 … I’m sensing a shift in the matrix.
Son#2 has lice. Oh dear. I’ve just had to buy 10 bottles of treatment for all of us wah!
What to do with The Offspring during the school holidays – I’m snowed under for the next 2 weeks so feeling a bit bad. It can’t be helped though.
10am meeting.
I’ve been such a Bad Blog Buddy recently! I miss you all – will catch up when the madness is over.
Loving my new music – oh my word, the new Kings of Leon album is SUPERB – and also enjoying the new Snow Patrol and Staind.
Wondering when my new blinds will be installed. Yip, I’m FINALLY getting some window coverings YAY!
My hair looks like shit. I need to do my roots (nope, still haven’t done that!) and get a hair cut. Soon.
Have realized that I am somewhat stressed … I talked so loudly in my sleep last night that woke myself up. I only do that if I’m anxious and tense.
Starting to feel that I want someone to take care of me. Just a little bit.
What the hell does Phuza Thursday mean?
Heh. I know π
@JustBcoz & JOC -(Sssshhhhh, donβt tell my Dad!) Am watching both of you!!!!!
@JOC … haircut, hmmm … sjoe, time is scarce for the next 2 weeks but let’s try for the 17th?
Erk. No, have not eaten anything yet! (Sssshhhhh, don’t tell my Dad!) Would LOVE some grub. Actually, I haz a plan – let’s get some Kauai for everyone π
Blinds…..well the woman the woman is checking with the factory and letting me know on an approximate date!
Haircut….next week sometime maybe? you want me to try and get an appointment?
Question….? Have you eaten something today? Do you want me to get you something for lunch?
Anything else I can do to lighten the load, just let me know! π
Right! Have just been informed what “Phuza Thursday” means …
“Phuza is a zulu word for drinking/getting pissed.”
And now I know π
It’s doing totally the opposite for me Glugs!!! FLYING towards the end of the year …
Can’t wait for the year to end. Why did it fly by so fast but is now slowing to a crawl?????