Ladies and gents!
We have some fabulous friends visiting from up north this week, including Andre van Rooyen (@andrevr), Saul Kropman (@saulkza) and Walter Pike (@walterpike), so we’re going to have a little get together on the evening of Saturday, 15 November to celebrate 😀
Get your interesting selves over to the stylish Alba Lounge at the V&A Waterfront from about 7.30pm onwards.
I’ve arranged for some space to be reserved for us and have also organized a few platters of yummy snacks, sponsored by The Forge 🙂
If you can make it (and you’d better!), please drop a comment off here so I can get an idea of numbers and adjust the booking and/or munchies accordingly?
Hope to see you all there!
Now go spread the word 😀
@Bergen …. Hurrah! Hope to see you there 😀
May swing past since I’m in town.
I saw you tweeting about your wedding venue pulling out!!! Yikes, that must have been panic-stations!
Sheesh, glad you managed to find something else – that was very, very lucky Mark.
See you tomorrow 😉
@Chris M: Yeah back in CPT and doing a bit of work. Had a great time there apart from losing our wedding venue and frantically trying to find a new one – which we did – eventually.
Will definitely try and make it, would be good to finally meet.
@Chris ROFL!!1! Only if we do 😉
@Wogan – dude, let’s gun it 🙂
@Wogan … hmmmm, yeah. Okey dokey, will send you an email 🙂
Alba looks uber-stylish … you don’t suppose they have a dress code? lol.
I’d love to come, if only we can plan on how I’m getting home again…
@Aubrey … wonderful! I really hope you can make it – it will be great to meet you 🙂
@Cluckhoff … Yeah, I owe you a drink, so swing on by 😀
Ooooo! Sounds like fun. I have a bday party on at Frieda’s in Bree but will definitely try to swing by for a drink! XX
Hey hey!
I might actually end up making it.
Sorry, can’t give a definite “yes”, Saturdays are chaotic.
Mark, you back from Hermanus, how was it? We’ll be around late, so pull through, I’d love to finally meet you..
Great will definitely try my best depending on how much beer flows during the rugby.
Hellooooo Mark!
Yeah, I’m sure we’ll be around till quite late 🙂
I really hope you can swing by, it’ll be good to see you!
Sounds fun, will definitely try and make it after our Afrigator Mob braai.
I’m assuming you will all be partying late into the evening and I can rock up fashionably late? 🙂
@Rox … Wait, what? You’re giving up this awesome night for, ermmmmm, Picketburg?
* chin wag that is, lol.
Damn, will have to have our chin way another time hun – it appears that I will be in Picketburg the whole weekend. 🙁
Hopefully there will be another blogger bash / tweet up in the works soon!!
Ag nooooo man!!! Tell your wife the party’s been moved 😀
So you had to go an arrange it on the same night as my wife’s birthday party? Now I need to decide where to go 😉
@Carla … Yes, PLEEEEEEEZE try and make it 😀
Awesome! I’m definitely going to try my best to be there, would be nice to meet some other tweeple 🙂
@FeistyFemale … YAAAAAAY!!!
See you there!
@Jeanette … hmmm, pity you aren’t.
With the way that we communicate online, I sometimes forget that we aren’t all geographically close to each other!
Awww, wish I was in CT!
@Rox … YAY! Perhaps this time we’ll be able to really wag chins hey? Hope to see you there …
Will do my best to shift things around so I can make it. 🙂
@Jo … oh no, that’s such a pity! But never fear … we’re going to have another one round about the 28th, when SheBee comes to visit 🙂
I can’t make it on Sat night I’m afraid. Next time, I hope… Have a great time!
@Andre … OF COURSE you’re in 😀 This is going to be *such* fun!!
@blade … Fab, it’ll be good to see you again 🙂
Colour me impressed! Please count me in!
What a pleasure this is going to be, meeting everyone…
Many thanks, Ms, R :))
@B … We’ll have a toot for you. Most definitely …
@Eric … fanTAStic!! That would be awesome 😀
@Amod … Brilliant phr0ggi, am dying to meet you too!
sounds great.
I shall indeed swing by 🙂
Sounds very cool. Failing an act of God, I should be there.
Some of the springleap team will try their best to stop in and say hi…
I would come and all that.. but its like far and I dont travel well..
Have an extra drink for me 😉
@Steven … Really????? YAY!
@SaulK … Excellent! Can’t wait to meet you 😀
Consider me thoroughly impressed with your organising skills!
I will see you there!
We’ve actually spoken about it 🙂 Hopefully next year we’ll make an appearance, all depends on cash flow and such 😉
Would be great to meet all of you people as well
@Steven – Would be great to meet you mate, you should come down one day on a holiday, we’ll entertain you! 🙂
@StevenMcD … I’ve got help though 😀 Chris suggested the venue (I wouldn’t have a clue!) and JOC made the calls hehe … I just need to pay WAH! Dammit man, you guys need to relocate!!
from not being a socialite to organising events?! Well done!
If I lived in the Cape I’d be there 🙁
Fe and I are attending and I’ll recruit some other tweeple 🙂