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Ladies and gents!

We have some fabulous friends visiting from up north this week, including Andre van Rooyen (@andrevr), Saul Kropman (@saulkza) and Walter Pike (@walterpike), so we’re going to have a little get together on the evening of Saturday, 15 November to celebrate 😀

Get your interesting selves over to the stylish Alba Lounge at the V&A Waterfront from about 7.30pm onwards.

I’ve arranged for some space to be reserved for us and have also organized a few platters of yummy snacks, sponsored by The Forge 🙂

If you can make it (and you’d better!), please drop a comment off here so I can get an idea of numbers and adjust the booking and/or munchies accordingly?

Hope to see you all there!

Now go spread the word 😀