Jun 15, 2010 | Current Events
Better late than never!
And err, yeah – these were taken on my iPhone so they aren’t too marvelous, sorry.

Some of my team, decked out for the big day.

Absent team member, lol.

And another one 🙂

Doing the office pool draw.

Oooooh, I wonder who I'm gonna get?

France vs Uruguay - lining up for the national anthems.

Getting ready for the kickoff.

First corner.

In the crowd ... 64100 people!
What an experience that was, despite the lackluster football.
Had to laugh at all the locals thinking I was a foreigner though, haha 😀
My next outing to the stadium is on Friday for England vs Algeria WOOOOOOOO!
Jun 11, 2010 | Current Events
Of course it is 😀
How can one NOT be swept up by the incredible atmosphere in our country right now, even if you’re not a football fan?
What an historical day for South Africa – I’m so proud and overjoyed to be part of it!
Of course, I AM a football fan, which just makes it all the more AMAZING 😀
Off to watch France vs Uruguay tonight at Cape Town Stadium … WOOHOO!!
May 10, 2010 | Current Events, Personal
Some of you have noticed that I’m somewhat MIA – thanks for missing me. Really.
The truth is that I’m not really ok at the moment. I’m not writing this to elicit sympathy and fuss – that’s the last thing I want. I’m just letting you know that I’m going through a rough time. A really rough time. Actually, I’m in the middle of a horribly dark depression and when that happens, I go quiet. I withdraw and shut down. Right or wrong, it’s just how I deal with things.
So that’s why I haven’t been on Twitter, why I haven’t been on Facebook, why I haven’t been blogging and why I’m not engaging with people in general at the moment. I simply don’t have the energy. I’m completely drained – physically, emotionally and mentally.
If you suffer from depression, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. If you don’t, my behaviour might seem inexplicable and you probably won’t be able to relate to anything I’m saying.
But it’s real. Very real.
And it needs to be overcome. And it will be. I just need some time to sort my shit out and pull myself towards myself. I don’t know how long it will take – could be days, could be weeks – but I’ll get there. This is not a new experience for me, unfortunately, but I always get over it sooner or later.
Mmk, this was a hard post to write – it’s not exactly easy admitting that you’re fragile and down in the dumps when everyone perceives you to be this strong and inspirational being.
I’m no superwoman.
I’m just human.
May 1, 2010 | Kids
Son#2: So, do you think I’ll have girls or boys?
Me: Well, you could have either I reckon – my mom had 3 girls and I had 2 boys and Dad is one of 3 boys.
Son#2: Hmmm. I hope I have boys.
Me: Why’s that?
Son#2: I dunno, I just think it’ll be easier.
Me: Perhaps, but dads and their daughters have a very special bond …
Son#2: Ja. The only guy a girl can really count on is her dad.
Me: You know, you might just be right about that.
Son#2: Well that sucks!
Me: Why?
Son#2: Because I want K to know she can count on ME.
And that’s when my heart melted.
You know why? Because he’s being 100% honest. Despite his gf, K, being a feisty little extrovert, and him being the gentlest of souls without an aggressive bone in his body, he wants to take responsibility for looking after her and protecting her. What a lucky young lady she is …

Apr 17, 2010 | Current Events, Friends and Family, Kids
… what can I say?

At least your taste in beer improved 😀
Wow, seems like it like it was just the other day that I fell in love with you

And now you’re a young man, out there making a life for yourself

I love you and I miss you,
Mom xxx