Good hair means curls and waves
Bad hair means you look like a slave
At the turn of the century
Its time for us to redefine who we be
You can shave it off
Like a South African beauty
Or get in on lock
Like Bob Marley
You can rock it straight
Like Oprah Winfrey
If its not what’s on your head
Its what’s underneath and say HEY….
I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am not your expectations no no
I am not my hair
I am not this skin
I am a soul that lives within
If I wanna shave it close
Or if I wanna rock locks
That don’t take a bit away
From the soul that I got
@JustbBcoz – there was also one other factor and that was I had finished school and in fact in my 20’s when I had longer hair.
The haircut he has now is not exactly short! I was expecting a No 1.
@Laura … FINALLY! Someone who agrees with me 🙂
I can see how didnt want to cut that! He had lovely hair! Not sure it is nicer shorter? You can just see his face better!
@JustBcoz – Only really long (even then not as long as Son2) when it was part of our trapeze act.
@Dad … says he who used to have *much* longer hair back in the day hahaha =)
Love it, love it, LOVE IT!! I think he looks so much better. I saw a remark on his facebook where somebody assured everybody that the pic they were looking at was indeed a guy.
Son #2 you look awesome =)
LOL! I’ll tell him wah 😀
I think #2 has acquired an esteemed air about him now.
Tell him he looks way less of a doofus now. Seriously. He does.
Really C? Do you think so?
I know he’d strongly disagree with you 🙂
I’m kinda sad to see his beautiful hair all GAWN, but that’s just me and my “thing” for long locks …
omg he looks so much better after!