Hmmmm …
Mmk, so I’m intent on being a rock star. I’m too old to learn to play the guitar and my singing voice, well … let’s just say that some things should remain a mystery hehe 😉
But the one thing I think I *could* do and really WANT to do, is play the drums!
Actually, I’m so keen and have been for a few years now that learning to play the drums is an item that made it onto my bucket list a while ago.
Thing is, going for lessons is not really something I can commit to – work pressure, money, time etc. And if I got my own kit, where the hell would I keep it? I have ZERO space in my house. Plus, there’s the noise factor as well … it would certainly create some ear ache!
I’ve got my eye on something my Dad found for me – digital drums! The Casio LD 80 Digital Drums, to be exact.
Check it out:
The price is quite steep, but my Dad has very kindly offered to pay half as a birthday pressie for me.
What do you think? Seriously. Should I go for it?
I took the time to look into them a little more and they look totally awesome. The ability to play without creating a deafening amount of noise, the light-learning intelligence and the space saver are definitely great factors which sway this decision – do it!
do it!
I think everyone has gone a tinsy bit over the top on this. The whole point of the Casio Digital drums is that you don’t need much space and that you can use earphones so as not to drive everyone else dilly. They also have a very good self teaching system.
I’m impressed, that’s dedication!
I’d not share a room with my brother, even if it meant creating space to park a Ferrari, but that’s just me 😉
definately for a music studio!
So you’re all good to share a room with yr bro?
that studio idea is a killer!!!
I need a bigger place …
Ye, I know, but like you know 😀
Shame, I take that comment back about Sir G moving to the back room, before I get told that I’m the noobie and I have to go! That said, get the digital ones!!!!
AAARGH!!! You’re not helping you know 😉
Or you could put Son #1 with Son #2 and turn Son #1’s room into a mini studio – now that’s what I’m talking about! 😉 😀 🙂
Mixed feelings.
I think the whole starting to play drums is totally awesome and I’d say definitely go for it, what an EXCELLENT way to break away from the work pressures and so forth. One thing though, do you not feel that you’ll lose half the excitment by not having a real set? There’s something about sitting infront of a real set of drums which brings so much excitment to hand, literally? I understand the cost and space issue obviously, and I don’t want to put you off at all, but I see no point in not sharing my opinion.
I’d say, if you can squeeze that purse a little, not feed the kids for a couple weeks, put Sir G in the back room, then you’ll be SORTED!
Use it, don’t use it, just my opinion 🙂
HAHAHAHA!!! Nice try. No 🙂
get the real deal!
screw the noise, screw the space ( my room!!)
i will learn with you if you get the real thing!
for SURE!
Oh you guys are SOOOOO twisting my rubber arm LOL!
If you lose interest, you have two “Strapping Young Lads” to make use of them.
(PS: Strapping Young Lad is a metal band for those of you who don’t know 😉 )
DO IT ! DO IT! Cameron has a lil (VERY ANNOYING) keyboard and guitar. I see a promising band coming..
DO IT!!! !