This afternoon I’m off to go and see a chiropractor … I reckon this is probably way up there on my list of Last Resorts to try and find some relief for my poor fuxored back, neck, shoulders and head!
So far, absolutely effall has helped so, yeah, I’m really pinning my hopes on this.
A couple of folk have recommended I go and see one of these people so I’ve put my skepticism aside and am taking the plunge. My rather negative attitude to chiropractors is inherited methinks – my grandfather was a medical doctor (professor) and Dean of UCT Medical School and he was always very old school – totally anti anything that wasn’t 100% scientific and all that. A lot of his beliefs have filtered down to the rest of us. Plus, I’ve heard some incredible WTF stories about chiropractors messing up patient’s backs permanently.
But, at this stage, I’m ready to give anything a try! Wish me luck …
The chap I’m seeing is a medical doctor though, so I feel a bit more comfortable knowing that but (My bad, he’s not actually) I have no idea what to expect.
I mean, do I have to strip down? Is it gonna hurt? Will I be ended afterwards?
UPDATE: 2.50pm
I’m back!
Good LAWD!! I seriously had no idea my poor body was so screwed up. Or that it could make so many loud cracking noises 🙁
He said things were *very* out of place and my back, neck and shoulders were doing all sorts of odd things to compensate for the displacement, which then in turn creates the lame arm and adds to the headache story. He reckons I may have injured something many, many years ago (perhaps while dancing or playing sport?) and that my body has been trying to cope with the strain of the injury ever since and just getting worse and worse.
Makes sense, I guess …
Anyway, it’s feeling much better – definitely not hundreds, I’m still battling to breathe properly as my rib cage is not completely where it should be yet. He told me that I may feel really tired for a couple of days and I must just listen to my body and s-l-e-e-p (no argument from me there wah!)
I’m going back to see him on Monday.
well keep it up, in the long run it’ll be so worth it!!!!
Boy oh boy Steve, yesterday was SOOOOO sore!! Jeez, he really hurt me 🙁
After that, I had NO headache! I was stunned (and thrilled) … I actually walked out of there feeling half human 🙂
I have a little bit of a sore head today though, which is a bummer and I can really feel that my body has been worked on … PAIN!
I go again tomorrow …
How did Monday go?
*holding thumbs* got a KILLER headache today 🙁
glad to see you going back. These guys seriously work wonders on people’s bodies
Gosh, that must be quite hectic … a skew spine? My ChiroMan hasn’t given me anything to do exercise-wise, but perhaps he will after Monday’s session.
I see mine again in 2 weeks. Am doing “corrective” exercises at the moment.
Isn’t it just hey? We get so used to the twinges and niggles that after a while they seem “normal” … sheesh … I have a feeling that THIS is just the thing to sort me out properly!
Good luck with your session Po. When are you going?
I am seeing a chiro too, it is amazing the things that are wrong with you that you don’t even know about! I have a skew spine.
Nah. I became intimately involved with one of them tables when I hurt my back earlier this year. I thought he was strapping me down so he can move me around easier. I later realised it was so that I wouldn’t kick him when he hurt me! LOL
That table looks like some kind of torture instrument!
I sense a bit of a wicked chuckle happening there with you 🙂
That’s excellent. It’s good that you are going back. He’s not gonna make you right in one session.
BTW – How do you like that funky table? Hehehehe
Thanks Glugster 🙂
You don’t need to strip down. It probably is going to hurt. You won’t be sorted in one session. It will probably take a a few sessions to sort everything out, but he will probably tell you that in any case. But it is worth it. Enjoy!!!