I have seemed to have landed smack bang on my ass in The Land of Big Fat Hairy Fart Balls today.
And I am taking action, whether you like it or not.
Energy Vampires have no place in my life.
Oh go ahead, call me a bitch, or call me a hard-arse cow, whatever floats your boat.
Just remember that I didn’t make it this far by being a sap. I’m not about to risk it all by letting things lie in a pile of toxic waste.
Oh well, at least my angry mood combined with some hard, rocking music is fueling some crazy productivity today …
Disturbed FTW!
@Po … I hear you! It took me a while to figure out this whole energy thing – and realising that people can actually drain my energy was a HUGE eye-opener!!
Our energy is so precious you know, we just can’t afford to let people suck us dry. It has such an enormous impact on everything!
Anyhoo … before anyone gives me an earful here – having a blog-vent and listening to my “angry” music is definitely helping me to focus today. I’m not perpetuating anything negative, I’m channeling it constructively and letting it out.
Hey, I read your link, my ex boss was my emotional vampire, I used to come away from his lengthy monologues barely able to move I was so tired. I could literally feel my energy being sucked out of me!