Apr 17, 2010 | Current Events, Friends and Family, Kids
… what can I say?

At least your taste in beer improved 😀
Wow, seems like it like it was just the other day that I fell in love with you

And now you’re a young man, out there making a life for yourself

I love you and I miss you,
Mom xxx
Apr 14, 2010 | Current Events, Personal
So here’s something you may not know about me … I am a ballet lover!
For as long as I can remember, ballet and dance have been a big, beautiful part of my life.
- I started dancing at the age of 5 and made a really tough decision to give it up in high school when I took on Physics as an extra subject and my art took up most of my free time.
- While I lived with my grandparents during my early childhood, they took me to watch every ballet they could.
- I was affectionately known then as “Suzanna Bromilova” – my Russian stage name, lol!
- I couldn’t wait to open my presents at Christmas, I just *knew* there’d be an awesome ballet calendar and a record of ballet music. My favourite record to listen to was The Nutcracker.
- Every New Year’s Eve, I’d get together with a bunch of girls and put on a special performance for the family.
- I owned REAL friggin’ tutus!
- After my grandfather died, my Gran and I continued to to go to the ballet together for another (nearly) 20 years, right up until she could no longer drive.
- When I got a bit older, I volunteered to help out with all the ticketing arrangements for the Friends of Cape Town City Ballet, the Balletomanes.
- During my teen years, my Dad married one of Cape Town City Ballet’s principle dancers, Juanita Yazbek.
- My Dad’s been doing the photography for Cape Town City Ballet for EVER!
- I’ve shared my love for ballet with both my boys and Sir G – I took them to watch Orpheus in the Underworld. (It’s a great production to introduce people to ballet.)
- Cape Town City Ballet was my very first official client when I started my business over 10 years ago and they are still with me now. I am 100% loyal to them and support them in every way possible.

Yup, this me doing my thang on New Years Eve
Why am I telling you all this?
Well, the sad fact is that after 75 years, Cape Town City Ballet will have to close down.
UNLESS they receive a whole lot of funding. Fast.
When I heard about the dire financial straights that CTCB is in, I came up with a Cunning Plan to help raise funds for them. Last week, I rounded up a few members of my fabulous team and together we set about creating an online campaign to solicit donations from the public.
The campaign was launched today!

Everyone who makes a donation stands to win a prize. Everyone who participates in the campaign through their website also stands to win a prize – a 16GB Apple iPad!
So far, the response has been just brilliant. We’ve had nearly 20 site owners register to participate and donations are rolling in already.
As you can imagine, this is a cause very close to my heart and I’m over the moon that this initiative has gotten off to such a ripper of a start 😀
To everyone who’s taken the time and effort to join in, THANK YOU!
To everyone who’s digging into their pockets to donate, THANK YOU!
If you want to take part in our campaign, it’s really easy to do – just visit www.savecapetowncityballet.co.za for all the info you need to get going.
Here are some of the posts that have already been published by
bloggers and site owners around the country:
Apr 11, 2010 | Current Events, Websites
You’ll find it over here:
10 Easy ways to fail as an entrepreneur
Thanks to Matthew Buckland for giving me the opportunity
to contribute to his new venture, MEMEBURN.

Mar 20, 2010 | Current Events
* * * 4 APRIL * * *
39 <– for those of you who keep forgetting how old I am *cough* Son#1 *cough*
I know you’ve all been saving like mad for this, dying for the opportunity to spoil me with awesome presents, but I’m guessing that you have no clue what to buy me. Right? Right.
Here’s a tip: anyone who gets me anything remotely “practical” will be fired / unfollowed / defriended / disinherited on the spot. No bulk packs of 48 toilet rolls please. Yes, I have been given this as a gift before, I shit you not.
Here’s what I won’t say no to:
- Final Fantasy 13 for Xbox 360
- Ralf Lauren Polo Sport for Women
- Flowers
- Dragonlance Chronicles Gift Set
- Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Mac)
- Flowers
- Vanilla Cream Body Hamper
- Lapillus Worry Skull
- Flowers
- Monin Watermelon Liqueur
- Bram Stoker’s Dracula: Collector’s Edition
- Flowers
Mmk … that’s enough to start with 😀