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Ze gate. She ees feexed =)

Well, almost … silly thing is still displaying a mind of its own and opening all by itself for some reason, but at least it OPENS and I can now leave the damn house!!!

We worked late last night and I was MORE than happy to volunteer for the grub run at about 8pm, as dark and cold as it was – I just needed to venture off the property, you know what I mean? So I went to that “fast food” place down the road, McDonalds.

Fast food my ass! It took about 30 minutes for the chick who was serving me to put my order together. She decided to start with the chips, so of course they stood around on the counter for an age before she got around to sorting out the rest of the order. They got ice cold and I had to ask her to please replace them with an edible batch. Cold, rubbery french fries totally suck. I was one of only 3 people she served in that half hour. Jeesh, worse than a stoned tortoise, I tell you!

Anyway, today is yet another screamingly busy day in the trenches for me, so best I get back to it.

Later everyone, have a rocking Tuesday xxx