Son#1 is now “Clean and Serene” for 60 days !!
Unfortunately, I can’t find where’s he’s put it, otherwise I’d have taken a photo
of the brand new green keyring he got last night 😀
Awesome stuff my boy. I am so proud of you xxx
Rock on!
LOL Nats! Luv ya too sis 🙂
indeed Congratulations… !! Lets see.. 60 Days is Green, “green like the grass, now we are mowing it instead of smokin it.” lol. thats a joke we say.. but green does stand for growth, it stands for GO, go to meetings, Go make new friends in Recovery, Go do step work. go to Functions.. go go go.
luv ya
MsBehavn … awe, thanks MsB 🙂
But include yourself in that “bunch” – without the support of everyone HERE, it would have been a lot tougher to “do whatever it takes”. You guys have helped more than you could EVER know.
Congratulations to Son#1 and all of you for bringing him this far. As parents, or simply people who care, we do whatever it takes.
You’re an awesome bunch of people!!
Sorry!! Big THANX to JOC.
SUPER proud of son #1! makes all the driving round even more worth it! 🙂 Would do it a 1000 times over if that’s what it takes! 🙂
No, I don’t have to do all the driving around … props to JOC’s Taxi Service 🙂
Well done to Son#1 for this achievement and to Mom for all the support and driving round she has had to do.