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Monday’s agenda

  1. Wake up, make school lunch, get Son#2 ready for school
  2. Check in on Facebook and Twitterland
  3. Bath, get dressed, dry hair, apply war paint
  4. Pop a few Panados
  5. Organise my day in my head and draw up To Do List
  6. Phone the vet to make appointment for Sherry, the pooch with the front leg that looks fuxored =(
  7. Ask mom to help with Sherry as the only time I can get appointment is the same time I need to make the school run Pooch has been given pain killers and we are to watch her for 5 days.
  8. Ask mom to help me with gutting and spring cleaning Son#1’s room this week
  9. Gate guys arrive to fix gate and intercom system to house and office
  10. Feed and water the animals
  11. Fire up some music in iTunes to drown out the noise from the gate guys
  12. Import my new Disturbed “Ten Thousand Fists” album
  13. Check Inbox to see if there’s anything critical to attend to
  14. Attend to important emails
  15. Double check the clinic visiting hours to make sure it’s ok to see my boy tonight
  16. Chat to Miss Boats for a few minutes, try my best to take in all that she is telling me about splitting up with her fiancé over the weekend
  17. Sign her leave application form for Thursday and Friday so she can move to a new place
  18. Pop a few more Panados
  19. Phone the roofing company AGAIN AAARGH!!! They have ZERO record of ANY of my previous calls and guess what – “they’ll get back to me”. Fuck!
  20. Send X email in response to sms about him not being able to make the family therapy session at the clinic tomorrow
  21. Send ANOTHER email to X, tell him to talk to the Clinic, not me. It was not MY decision that he not be allowed to visit Son#1 until they give the all clear
  22. Check out all blog comments, be amazed yet again at the awesomeness of some people
  23. Pay salaries
  24. Respond to email just in from Son#1’s hockey manager, thank him for the incredible support!
  25. Reconcile payments for the last few days and file the paperwork
  26. Review latest tax documentation received from accountant
  27. Continue with Inbox review and replies
  28. Pop some MORE Panados!
  29. Pay a few billsthank heavens for online banking!
  30. Print out Quirk emarketing text book for some bed time reading
  31. Follow up with Sir G on the status of 2 websites He’s got it all under control. Fantastic =)
  32. See if we’ve received any promising CV’s for Junior Web Designer position advertised CV’s screened and possibles printed – review when I get back from Cavendish
  33. Download log files for a report run
  34. QA review on all the site samples sent out to clients
  35. Debug a style sheet that’s irritating me
  36. Continue with some coding work I need to finish this week
  37. Backup one of my databases from the hosting server
  38. Login to my admin tool and clean up a few things
  39. Check in with two of my developers who are working on separate projects for me
  40. Make sure that new system and all new remotes are working 100% before the gate guys leave YAY!!! At last – let’s hope it all STAYS fixed now … Update: Nope!!! The effing thing is STILL bloody broken, can you believe it??!!!
  41. Have a look at the Xpenser website, see if I can help my Dad with a queryhad a quick look, can’t spot the solution straight away, will have to come back to this one later
  42. See who’s replied to me on Twitter and respondcheck back later, try to pick up a few stompies
  43. Review the website, link sent by Dad a few days ago Self diagnosis on the site says I don’t get migraines … I just suffer from 24/7 tension headaches ??
  44. Have a very quick look at news feeds Screw that – no time *mark all as read*
  45. Activate Mom’s Taxi Service for Son#2
  46. Get him settled with homework after he’s had a snack
  47. Son#1’s best friend to come here and go with me to Cavendish to help me buy a suit for Son#1’s GF’s matric dance – he’s volunteered to be my sizing mannequin Walked Claremont absolutely flat but not a single black waistcoat in sight =( The suit fits though YAAAY!!! *whew*
  48. Visit my boy at the clinic – remember to take him another jacket and some more change for the phone
  49. Feed and water the animals
  50. Make sure Son#2 has finished homework, eats supper and prepares for school tomorrow
  51. Pop another coupla Panados!!
  52. Make a start with Mom on spring cleaning Son#1’s room (remember to take some “before” snaps) No way this is happening today, or anything else that hasn’t been done yet (apart from eating and crashing). I’m ended!
  53. Get a load of laundry going
  54. Make a list of what I need to buy for his room, and for Son#2 – he’s not gonna be left out
  55. Remind myself to eat something
  56. Clean up the kitchen, see if I feel up to washing the dishes
  57. Crash

The Great Wall of China To Do List

I think it’s safe to say that my life at the moment is an absolute shambles.

I am busy updating my To Do List and so far I’ve filled up 2 A4 pages of (mostly personal) “stuff” I need to take care of … and I ain’t done yet! Why does the bloody thing only ever seem to get longer??

Some of these tasks are just a few words long and yet they represent hours, if not days of effort to complete. And this is aside from all the stuff I need to do on a daily basis just to keep things ticking over. It’s all important too – some of it is even critical – I can’t trim the list down, there’s nothing that I can scrap, it all just HAS to be done. And soon. How on earth am I going to manage?

It’s a bit overwhelming. Actually, it’s downright DAUNTING! Argh!

I’m not averse to asking for help and I’ll certainly do that where I can, but the problem is that most of these tasks are things that only I can deal with …

Hoo boy. Before my life was turned upside down a few years ago, I used to be Miss Organised, now I feel like things are totally out of control and it’s going to take a mammoth effort on my part to sort through it all and get back on top of everything. It is my own fault though, I can’t blame anyone else for this pickle … I’ve always been a chronic procrastinator and I’ve also had my head in the sand for a while now, avoiding tasks that I haven’t had the mental and physical energy to face. So now I’m looking up at a personal Mount Everest and wondering how I am ever going to get to the top. Stressing out a bit =(

Do you ever feel like this? How do you deal with it?