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Nearly weekend and I’m a lucky cowgrrrl

Weekend already!? Wow, where did the week go?

So, what are my plans for the next coupla days you ask?

Hmm …. Well, I could just copy and paste my post from last Friday to show you what’s on the agenda. Yes, sadly, apart from a rather fun Poker Night with Cowgrrrl, not much else got accomplished =( I still have many, many boxes to unpack, I still have a super messy room and cupboard, I haven’t done any of that “light reading” and my roots are still lighter than the rest of my hair … plus, I now have the added task of debugging some code that ain’t working. And, of course there’s The Dreaded Weekly Grocery Shopping to do. Grimness.


How is THIS for The Most Awesome News Ever?? Sir G has just told me that he has bought us tickets to see SEETHER live at the Grand West Arena on Sunday!! I am such a lucky brat.


I can’t believe it, I am sooooooooo excited =)

“Thank you Sir G”

And even more good news (but not nearly as thrilling) is that I have now hired someone to come in and help me with my iMac! There’s something wrong with my wireless thingymabob so it can’t connect to anything yet. At least that mission is off my plate and it’ll soon be on the network, talking to all the other machines and hooked up to the interwebs. STOKED! Then all I need to do is install … ok, that could take a while as I have TONS of software that I use every day, and even more that I want to test but don’t have space to load up on this old dinosaur.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to unpack boxes this weekend. I have done something to my back and it hurts like hell. I can’t even find a comfortable position to sit in, so I doubt if I’ll be able to dive into all these cardboard monstrosities. Dunno what the hell I’ve done. I think I may have tweaked it at gym doing all those crunches over a stability ball. Jeesh, I must really be getting old! But I don’t care if they have to carry me out of the concert, I’m gonna have a ROCKING good time and I can’t wait =)

Hey, it’s FATHER’S DAY on Sunday – hope you haven’t forgotten! Perhaps my Dad and I can get together and have a bite to eat somewhere. That would be nice.

And Monday is a public holiday, so I’ll have an extra day to make a dent in that Great Wall of China To Do List and get some shit done.

I really hope my horoscope (or should that be horrorscope?) for tomorrow is wrong … how’s this for a daily dose of encouragement:

“Today is going to be a series of ‘Oh no’s.’ You can’t even believe how many little things can go wrong in 24 hours. And it’ll take A LOT longer than that amount of time to clear everything up. What a freakin’ mess.”

Honestly … How RUDE! I don’t buy into this rubbish, but just in case, fingers and toes crossed that this is all crap and please send happy pink bubble vibes …

Hope you all have a good one!