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  1. Running late. Hate that – I always feel disorganized and behind the game when I’m a bit late.
  2. Late because it took me forever to find a pair of jeans this morning that didn’t feel like they were crushing my internal organs and cutting off my circulation. Gah.
  3. Would actually not look out of place in That Seventies Show with today’s look.
  4. Seriously tired for some reason … no idea why, I slept ok last night but I just can’t seem to wake my brain up today.
  5. Only 4 more sleeps till I fly to Durbs!!!
  6. Shit. Must start getting organized for that.
  7. Only 6 more Mondays left this year … crap!
  8. That means the final work rush onslaught thing is nearly upon us.
  9. Flashing back to Saturday night’s tweetup every now and then – what an awesome bunch of people.
  10. Feeling a bit stupid.
  11. Need to colour my hair again – these blonde(ish) roots ain’t working for me.
  12. When to do this though … shit, must make time.
  13. Also contemplating a short back and sides.
  14. Hoping to have a few visitors drop in to visit this week – that’ll be cool …
  15. Getting extremely annoyed with certain people who don’t walk their talk – where the hell is your integrity?
  16. Son#2 starts exams tomorrow. I hope he’s ready.
  17. Can’t thank StevenMcD enough for introducing me to Disturbed – they are rocking my world!
  18. Teeny headache but nothing unmanageable, thank goodness.
  19. Wish I had time to watch the India/England cricket today.
  20. Time to get stuck into some work … meep meep!