uncomBed skullet – check
Adding a guitar hero guitar because one proper guitar doesnt fully illustrate just how much I rock out – check
guns – because i live for Danger, and bullets because im dead serious – check
tAngas with extra crotch padding – check
legS slightly flayed with gun pointing to my penis in case you didnt notice my padded tangas – check
bedroom eyeS – check.
I “think” I know who you mean.
@ExMi … You had me worried for just a teeny second there grrrl LOL!
@Dad … Hehehehe … it kinda reminds me of someone *evil grin*
They say a picture is worth a thousand words – I go back to my first reaction and say this one is only worth ONE and that is still SIES!!!
is it weird that that pic turns me on?
WTF!! lol
You forgot the slightly-open-like-Kim-Kardashian-pouting lips 🙂
uncomBed skullet – check
Adding a guitar hero guitar because one proper guitar doesnt fully illustrate just how much I rock out – check
guns – because i live for Danger, and bullets because im dead serious – check
tAngas with extra crotch padding – check
legS slightly flayed with gun pointing to my penis in case you didnt notice my padded tangas – check
bedroom eyeS – check.
It takes alot of work to be sexy.