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I woke up sans headache 🙂 … and my Dad has just bought me a very promising resource for tackling the root cause of my headaches, so I’m excited about getting into that!

I had the best night’s sleep EVER! 10 hours on the trot!! I think Son#2 musta spiked that can of coke he bought me yesterday – I totally crashed and didn’t wake up till my alarm went off so I could get up early to watch Nic Harry on etv (You can read my post about him here.)  Well done dude, you rocked!

I got an early jump on my Inbox – down to 10 items before the sun came up. YAAY!

I also replied to all my Facebook thingys …

I had a deliciously long hot bath – there was enough hot water for me for a change 🙂

I watched Sir G pull up outside for work this morning and I didn’t burst into tears. Actually, I haven’t bawled at all today – my war paint is still in tact!

I’m wearing one of my FAV tops today – my red Converse long-sleeved Tee.

I’m also wearing my FAV perfume. Even though I’m running verrrrry low, I thought: “what the hell!” *HINT HINT*

I’ve got some new tunes to rip and listen to – always a good thang.

I’m feeling a bit motivated to get some stuff done … it’s been a while since I felt like actually doing ANYTHING! I think I’ll even call the hairdresser to make my annual appointment … yeah 🙂

I’m happy the sun is shining in Cape Town. I love the sun, it totally energizes me.

I’m going to go out today – mmk, so it’s only to the chemist and to visit Son#1 at the clinic this evening, but at least I have a reason to get in my car and leave the house!

I have a really cool Thought for the Day:

Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.
– Muhammad Ali

I only have ONE deadline to meet today!

I HAVE A PERSONAL ASSISTANT!!! Yes, indeedy 🙂 She starts next month and I am so stoked! You may have seen her on here before, leaving comments under the alias of “JOC”. She used to work for us in the afternoons, helping out with fetching and carrying the kids and stuff. Well, she left to go to London and has now decided that it’s not for her. So she contacted me and asked if I was still in need of some help. Are you kidding chick?!!! Get your ass over here NOW! Hehe … how cool is that? WooHoo!!! She’ll be working for me full time, helping me to get my shit together 🙂