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I’m feeling a lot better today. I think I’m finally kicking that horrible flu bug that’s kept me under the weather for over 2 weeks now. At long bloody last! I’m so over being sick and feeling like crap!

So, I’m going to hit the gym tomorrow. Ooooooh – that’s gonna hurt! But I have to do it, it’s been nearly 3 weeks since I last went and I don’t want all my hard work going down the proverbial toilet. I’ll have to take it easy though as I won’t be up to full strength.

At least I haven’t put on any weight while I’ve been off though, so that’s a relief. It’s also a total miracle, seeing as I have been on my night binge wagon again recently. I know, I know, I know … you don’t have to tell me! It’s a bad thing, it’s unhealthy, it’s illogical, and it’s stupid. In my rational mind I know all these things, but there are times (normally at night) that ration and logic do not apply to my eating. I am fine during the day – I am super disciplined, but when the clock strikes 6pm, it’s like my feeding switch gets turned on and eating is all I can do!!! I hate myself for doing it, I always feel awful afterwards for so many reasons, but I feel powerless to stop. I’ve read so many explanations for binge eating (suppressing emotions / self-medicating / looking for comfort / etc) which is all great, but I’m yet to come across any useful advice on exactly how to put an end to the madness of it all. Sir G is trying to help me though (he’s such a yummy sweetie-pie) – he’s found and ordered a book that should be arriving soon and it seems like it could hold some good solutions. I really hope so … we’ll see …

Actually, I’ve managed to lose nearly another kilo, don’t ask me how (perhaps I’ve lost muscle), so that’s 4.5kg down in 3 months now. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless. That takes me halfway to my goal of dropping 8kgs altogether! Given my current rate of fat loss, I should emerge from winter as a ripped bikini babe LOL =) I wish …