Oh dear …
Thanks so much to everyone who voted for me – you rock! And I’m stoked to be representing Cape Town and the erm, “veteran” age group.
But a photo shoot? This is like my worst nightmare just came true. Gulp.
Thanks so much to everyone who voted for me – you rock! And I’m stoked to be representing Cape Town and the erm, “veteran” age group.
But a photo shoot? This is like my worst nightmare just came true. Gulp.
For so long, while I was drowning in self-pity over the awful events that had taken place in my life, I completely lost interest in just about every aspect of my life, including work.
Actually, for a while there, I COULDN’T work – my mind was elsewhere, dwelling on hurts and frustrations. But I knew I couldn’t do that forever without risking the one thing that allowed me to survive financially – my business. So I had to make a determined effort to start working again.
Hells, it was a real struggle for me to get out of bed each morning and find the energy to work a full day. Even when I managed, I wasn’t focused. I was on autopilot, just plodding along, following the path of least resistance because I simply didn’t have the mental or emotional or physical strength to explore new avenues or attempt to tackle some of the ideas I had previously cooked up to grow my company by creating new revenue streams.
Well, guess what?
That is changing. Rapidly!
If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you’ll know that I’ve talked a lot about the need for me to move forward, not only in work, but also in my personal life. But that I’ve really struggled to do this, especially on the work front. Despite my best intentions, I was still feeling stuck due to lack of time and staff and as a result, my ideas and motivation never seemed to evolve into anything concrete. So I felt like I wasn’t really getting anywhere … I had all these plans to start new things, explore new technologies, offer new services and build some sexy stuff, but they just never got off the ground. Man, it was frustrating!
Until now 🙂
As you know, I’ve recently started hiring more staff and investing in growing my team, both in numbers and skill. This was a big step for me – I had been understaffed for a long time and finding the right people to fit into our rather “homely” environment has never been an easy task and it was one that I delayed because I really didn’t feel up to the time and effort that it takes. Now that I have finally started doing this and hired some brilliant new talent, things are REALLY happening 😀
I am so damn amped for work again, I feel like I did 5 years ago!!! Do you have any idea of how awesome that is? I now wake up every morning, rearing to go – I can’t WAIT to dive into my day and work. It’s actually FUN again! Wow.
To FINALLY have the resources I need to help the business back onto it’s feet to take on the kind of work I’ve been wanting to do for ages, and to start on the projects that have been on the back burner for years now is just the most brilliant thing imaginable!!
I feel like SUCH a load has been taken off me … that heavy burden of inactive staleness has now been replaced with the energizing freedom of new activity. Fantastic 😀
And it’s spilling over into other areas of my life too!
I mean seriously, I NEVER thought *I’d* be the one to organize any social events. Good grief!! And jetting off to Durban to hook up with and stay with people I’ve never met, justBcoz? WTF?
So today is Friday … it’s the day I normally look back on the week and think: “Shit. I got nowhere again. My life is ridiculously dull. My business is still stuck in the Stone Age. I’m bloody miserable about it all. I feel like a failure.”
Not today.
Today I look back on the last week and think: “WOOHOO!!!! Chickadoodle, you’re doing it! You’re on the right track, you’re surrounded by awesome people (good move grrrl!), you’re moving forward in both in your business and in your personal life. At last!”
And I just HAVE to add here that a very large part of my new zest for life in general can be attributed to YOU. I’m not kidding. Interacting with you here, and on Twitter, Skype and Facebook, has had the most incredibly positive effect on me … I’m not going to get all mushy right now, but you I just wanted to let you know that without these social elements of the web, and your involvement in my life (even the most mundane aspects), I would have continued to feel stuck, bored, depressed and pointless.
So thank YOU for being there for me, for inspiring me – all of you! You guys rock and I have a special place in my heart for each an every one of you.
Happy Friday my friends!
Apart from following a twedding tomorrow (that’s pretty freaking special!),
nothing too thrilling is happening …
I have six 6 boxes of books to unpack onto my brand new shelves, plus:
The weather here in Cape Town is going to be good so I want to clear my
very sad looking braai out and use it!
This is my jewellery that’s been packed up for ages … I need to get my pin boards up
and hang everything so I can see what’s what (I made most of this stuff BTW).
Yip, serious root touch up required!
Some Xbox-ing … going to dish out some major PWNDAGE to Sir G AGAIN waha!
Oh my hat!
I may be crippled after that, so these will come in handy …
And OF COURSE, what would the weekend be without some of this hey?
Especially YOU, Mr McD – all the best for your wedding tomorrow 😀
Yip, I did it my friends … I ventured out into the big wide world on my own for the first time EVER in my life!!
YAAAY me 😀
Thanks so much to all of you for just about shoving me out my front door – I had seriously cold feet and I *may* have chickened out if it wasn’t for you guys – Friday night at Asoka was absolutely everything I hoped it would be.
First of all, I totally tarted up – yes, I had make up on and everything waha! It was great fun to get all zooted up like that but I completely underestimated how long it would take, so I left a little later than I had planned.
Anyway, I parked my little black gangsta-mobile near trendy Kloof Street and made my way to the venue, hoping like HELL that I would recognize SOMEONE! And there, much to my relief, sitting outside and chatting to a bunch of folk, was Cluckhoff *whew* …
And so the evening started. I grabbed myself a drink and then got introduced to the most amazing bunch of people ever … So many of my tweeple were there, it was completely exhilarating to finally meet them all!! These are people I admire so much, who have so much to offer in the www, leaders in their field, and the driving force behind most of the fantastic multi-media and online initiatives taking place in this country (and all so frikkin YOUNG!!). It was truly an honour for me to meet them all face to face. Oh yes, and I have to just mention that being introduced to Matt Mullenweg was such a WOW moment – total surprise. This is the guy who *founded* WordPress people!! But what a cool guy 🙂 Seriously, so humble and down to earth, I loved him!
A bunch of brilliant minds inside wonderful people, so-called “geeks” all getting together to have a good time and even though I ain’t really a geek, I never once felt out of place or uncomfortable that night – they are all a really friendly bunch. I guess that surprised me a little bit … I wasn’t really sure what to expect you know?
So thanks to Mike Stopforth for organizing the meet-up, it really kicked and I loved every minute of it!!
There were only two teeny tiny little black spots on my night … Firstly, Mr Golding had his big-ass camera there – I tried to duck and dive that nasty lens but I think he got me! And secondly, I had one of my horrid panic attacks. It happened as I was squeezing my through the tight hoard of people on my way to the Little Girls’ Room. I think all the people (I get very claustrophobic) plus the small venue plus the heat inside set me off. Anyway, it didn’t last for too long thank gawd and I don’t think anyone noticed 🙂
So who did I get to meet on Friday? Here’s the roll:
If I left anyone off, I’m sorry!!! (Blame the Jaggerbombs haha!)
And here are the photos … CLICK
And …
If you missed Matt’s presentation at WordCamp 2008, the videos are now up on Zoopy.com.
It’s WordCamp SA this weekend! Nah, I didn’t register – I wasn’t sure what was happening with Son#1 and all that. I’m still not 100% clear, but I do know that it’s their dad’s weekend this weekend, so I am officially off duty for 2 days =) Yeeehaaa!
So a couple of nights ago, I hear about a pre-WordCamp SA social meetup happening in Cape Town tomorrow night, involving drinks and a whole bunch of people I’ve “met” through this blog and through Twitter.
I’m thinking: “Hmmmmm … I’m free, I want to meet some new folk, why the hell not?”
I take the plunge and decide to let them all know I’m going too. I’m all: “YEAH BABY!!! I finally get to meet my Tweeple!!!”
And now?
Now I’m thinking: “Bloody hell woman, what are you DOING????!!!”
I mean, this is like nothing I’ve ever done before! Believe it or not, I have NEVER EVER been out on my own in my entire life!!
*minor freak out*
I’ve never met these people … mmk, apart from Cluckhoff and Max (very briefly!) … and I sooooo don’t do the mingling and small talk thang. YIKES! I’m getting some seriously cold feet here.
It’s going to take every last scrap of courage I can muster to get my ass to the meetup! But I REALLY want to do it, I really want to go along and meet all these amazing people who keep me company every day, all these brilliant minds that contribute to the success of the www in South Africa. I’m not kidding – these people are awesomely good at what they do!
Hoo boy … guys, if you’re going along tomorrow night, please keep an eye on the door for a chick looking around nervously and shaking in her stilettos!
*I can do this … I hope*