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My quiet weekend

Yeah, I know … what’s new, right?

Anyway, Saturday was a really crappy day for me – you can read more about that here if it boils your veggies. Turns out the shrieking kids were having a birthday party, so I felt a bit bad about feeling so irritated when I heard them all singing Happy Birthday! But then later, the little brats decided to entertain themselves by climbing over the side wall, scream “HELLOOOOOOO!”, like they were trying to get my attention, and then toss their sweets and lollipops into my garden. Jeesh … the dogs were going crazy, the cats were scared out of their minds and I nearly lost it. After about half and hour of this, I sent my stern booming teacher voice out the window and asked them to please stop. Silence. Whew.

I was as grumpy as all hell that day. Sir G was going to come around that afternoon but I told him that I needed to be alone; I just really didn’t feel like company at all. I think he was pissed – I didn’t hear from him again- he doesn’t like it when I don’t give him enough notice about these things …

Later in the day, I did my mom’s taxi stint for the boys and then realized I’d forgotten a few essential grocery items and that my newspaper hadn’t been delivered AGAIN, so I reluctantly pulled into the Spar, grabbed what I needed and hurried out of there before I could ram my trolly up someone’s bum. I then discovered that my grumpy mood was all thanks to PMS – ok, so that’s more info than you needed to know, but I was relieved to know I wasn’t turning into The Crazy Old Cat Lady Down The Road That Everyone Avoids. I spent the rest of the day trying to relax by reading the paper and finishing my latest Marion Keys Novel, “Angels” – loved it!

Sunday was much better. I woke up far too early in the morning though, thanks to the kids next door again, but with only a mild headache for a change. I decided that I wanted to have a productive day so I drove off to Makro and filled my car with all sorts of supplies that I thought refugees would need – toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, baby food, bread, peanut butter, canned food, that sort of stuff – and paid a visit to the Red Cross. They told me they desperately needed blankets, but by that time all the shops were closed so I couldn’t do anything about it then unfortunately. I’ll see what I can find this week.

I got home, arranged all my new fridge poetry words into word types (how OCD is that?!), caught up on some paper work, paid a few bills, coded a site, and finished knitting a jersey (I just need to sew it up now). By the time I got done with all that, it was 9pm and I settled into bed to watch Midsomer Murders. I don’t know what it is about that programme that makes me love it – most people, ok everyone, thinks it’s so dull and boring, but I enjoy it, no idea why.

And that’s it – my weekend in a nutshell. Gripping stuff, hey?

Gym really sucked

OMG, I nearly passed out! Jeez, it was bad!!! I felt so weak after being off for 3 weeks; it was a bit of a shocker actually. I thought I was either going to pass out and/or my head was going to explode and/or my legs were going to cave in … I stopped about 10 minsutes before the hour was up and then I could hardly walk up the stairs to the changing rooms afterwards =( Right now, my legs feel like jelly and I am so ended!! One good thing about today’s session though, I managed to do 40 push ups at least – 15 guy push up and 25 ladies push ups. Not my record, but pretty good going anyway I guess.

I also had my measurements taken – oh poohy!!  I was right, I have lost muscle. Apart from losing scale weight and another 6cm off my waist (15cm alltogether), everything else was either the same or slightly up. I suppose its not THAT bad after eating badly for a over month and not training for so long, but I’m hard on myself, so I feel bad that I’ve put on fat. So I’m up to about 21% body fat now, which is perfectly acceptable for a lady of my age and height but I want to get down to at least 18% and lose another 4-5kgs. It will probably take me the whole of winter to do that. 

Speaking of eating, the book Sir G ordered for me has finally arrived. He went to fetch it for me on Saturday. It’s called “Overcoming Binge Eating” by Dr Christopher G. Fairburn. Here is the Amazon editorial review:

“This ‘reader-friendly’ book provides a lucid and comprehensive account of the nature and treatment of binge eating by one of the world’s leading clinical researchers. Based on the most recent scientific evidence, and reflecting Fairburn’s many years of unsurpassed clinical experience, this text is unrivaled as the best source for educating both the public and patients about binge eating. But it does more than educate and enlighten.”

And this is the part I’m excited for:

“It includes a detailed self-help program for overcoming binge eating in bulimia nervosa and obesity. The state-of-the-art techniques in this program have proved effective in numerous scientific studies. The program can be used on its own or in combination with therapy.”

I’m really pleased to have it at last and I’m looking forward to starting it. I’ll try and squeeze in a few pages after work, before I settle down to some knitting, and watching my absolute FAVOURITE tv show, LOST. It’s been off the air for 3 weeks, not sure why, and replaced by that ghastly local version of “Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?” Thank goodness we no longer have to be subjected to that crap during prime time viewing!

Well, I need to go eat and get some work done before I have to fetch the boys from school. Later …