You deserve a medal
Yes, YOU, the brave soul going to court today to testify against the 3 men who raped you at knifepoint.
You have all my love and respect after a year of hell, from which you have emerged an absolute winner. I am so proud of you!
And just in case you ever doubted that you were doing the right thing, here are some messages of support for you after I appealed for positive vibes to be sent your way today …
“Wow, sending her good vibes… hope the fucker rots!”
“wow, brave girl – lots of thoughts”
“XXX strong thoughts and prayers. all the way. such a brave and inspiring girl. XXX”
“wow! thats incredible! strongs and prayers!”
“Good luck to your friend. well wishes.”
“Sending MASSIVE vibrations her way! A tough cookie!”
“will be praying for strength and peace for your friend”
“Gosh! That really is incredibly brave!!”
“SA needs more women like her- please thank her for her bravery”
“wow, that’s incredibly brave and admirable. huge respect and support!”
“We’re all behind her 100% today….lots of strong thoughts!!!”
“A Brave woman. She has our support and prayers.”
Thank you for taking the stand and facing the wankers who did this to you (and other women).
You’re an inspiration and don’t you forget it!