Nov 1, 2008 | Life at Home
Sometimes it’s the ONLY way I can Get Things Done, specifically stuff around the house!
So … by the end of the day, I’m going to have sorted out the dining room and organised the new office space.
And I shall post pictures.
Sep 29, 2008 | Life at Home
I *am* The Domestic Un-goddess mmk? Let’s just get that straight …
Never mind that I actually did some long-overdue box unpacking this weekend,
that was just a momentary lapse of reason.
These boxes have been cluttering up my house for the last 8 months.
No, I haven’t just moved in, believe it or not! I’ve lived here for 9 years!
I packed up all my stuff when I had some renovations done at the beginning of the year
and it’s been sitting in boxes ever since. And this is only a portion of them –
MOST of them are still at my mom’s place YIKES!
Anyway, I’ve FINALLY made a start, dropping both my Domestic Un-goddess AND my
Queen of Procrastination titles for just long enough to tackle this brown mountain of cardboard
(with the help of Sir G, who played his roles as cheerleader and ass-kicker to perfection.)
Sheesh, that was quite a thang, I tell you! I *almost* felt like donning an apron and
cooking up a batch of muffins after that!
Yes, I *can* actually do all that cooking and cleaning stuff, I just choose not to.
So that’s what I did with my weekend – thrilling eh?
Jun 3, 2008 | Software, Websites
I need to setup a new machine – my Dad sold me his gorgeous iMac a few months ago – and in true Queen of Procrastination style, I’ve been delaying this long, arduous task. My main reason (read: excuse) has been the daunting idea of having to source about a gazillion passwords to apply to all the applications, sites and email accounts I run.
Oh gosh, it’s been YEARS since I setup up some of this stuff, I have no idea where it’s all scattered and having to hunt around for all the info I need is a scary thought … I’m pretty sure some of it’s gone forever too. This ever happened to you?
Well, fab news! I picked up on an entry from the LifeHacker website yesterday called “Recover Lost Passwords with Free Tools.”
So, I’m going to go and check some of these free tools out to see if they can help make my transition onto the iMac less traumatic. There’s one in particular called Revelation by SnadBoy that looks very promising.
In the future, I’m going to have to avoid this situation and find a decent, safe way to store all my login info. KeePass looks like it may be a good option. See what you think: