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Meet my mojo


For so long, while I was drowning in self-pity over the awful events that had taken place in my life, I completely lost interest in just about every aspect of my life, including work.

Actually, for a while there, I COULDN’T work – my mind was elsewhere, dwelling on hurts and frustrations. But I knew I couldn’t do that forever without risking the one thing that allowed me to survive financially – my business. So I had to make a determined effort to start working again.

Hells, it was a real struggle for me to get out of bed each morning and find the energy to work a full day. Even when I managed, I wasn’t focused. I was on autopilot, just plodding along, following the path of least resistance because I simply didn’t have the mental or emotional or physical strength to explore new avenues or attempt to tackle some of the ideas I had previously cooked up to grow my company by creating new revenue streams.

Well, guess what?

That is changing. Rapidly!

If you’ve been reading my blog for any length of time, you’ll know that I’ve talked a lot about the need for me to move forward, not only in work, but also in my personal life. But that I’ve really struggled to do this, especially on the work front. Despite my best intentions, I was still feeling stuck due to lack of time and staff and as a result, my ideas and motivation never seemed to evolve into anything concrete. So I felt like I wasn’t really getting anywhere … I had all these plans to start new things, explore new technologies, offer new services and build some sexy stuff, but they just never got off the ground. Man, it was frustrating!

Until now 🙂

As you know, I’ve recently started hiring more staff and investing in growing my team, both in numbers and skill. This was a big step for me – I had been understaffed for a long time and finding the right people to fit into our rather “homely” environment has never been an easy task and it was one that I delayed because I really didn’t feel up to the time and effort that it takes. Now that I have finally started doing this and hired some brilliant new talent, things are REALLY happening 😀

I am so damn amped for work again, I feel like I did 5 years ago!!! Do you have any idea of how awesome that is? I now wake up every morning, rearing to go – I can’t WAIT to dive into my day and work. It’s actually FUN again! Wow.

To FINALLY have the resources I need to help the business back onto it’s feet to take on the kind of work I’ve been wanting to do for ages, and to start on the projects that have been on the back burner for years now is just the most brilliant thing imaginable!!

I feel like SUCH a load has been taken off me … that heavy burden of inactive staleness has now been replaced with the energizing freedom of new activity. Fantastic 😀

And it’s spilling over into other areas of my life too!

I mean seriously, I NEVER thought *I’d* be the one to organize any social events. Good grief!! And jetting off to Durban to hook up with and stay with people I’ve never met, justBcoz? WTF?


So today is Friday … it’s the day I normally look back on the week and think: “Shit. I got nowhere again. My life is ridiculously dull. My business is still stuck in the Stone Age. I’m bloody miserable about it all. I feel like a failure.”

Not today.

Today I look back on the last week and think: “WOOHOO!!!! Chickadoodle, you’re doing it! You’re on the right track, you’re surrounded by awesome people (good move grrrl!), you’re moving forward in both in your business and in your personal life. At last!”

And I just HAVE to add here that a very large part of my new zest for life in general can be attributed to YOU. I’m not kidding. Interacting with you here, and on Twitter, Skype and Facebook, has had the most incredibly positive effect on me … I’m not going to get all mushy right now, but you I just wanted to let you know that without these social elements of the web, and your involvement in my life (even the most mundane aspects), I would have continued to feel stuck, bored, depressed and pointless.

So thank YOU for being there for me, for inspiring me – all of you! You guys rock and I have a special place in my heart for each an every one of you.

Happy Friday my friends!


What will be will be

This afternoon’s agenda includes another visit to the clinic for a Family Session involving me, Son#1, the X and of course, the Terrible Tag Team.

I realized when I woke up this morning and started to get my head around today and all that I would be facing, that I felt no fear. Unlike the last time, when I became a bundle of nerves at the prospect of being in a therapy session with my X, I am not apprehensive or panicked about it in any way. More importantly, I am not afraid of HIM.

This last week has been an amazing progression for me. I am no longer just talking about being strong, I am feeling and BEING strong. Thanks to some wonderful people who’ve encouraged and supported me in so many ways recently, coaching me, guiding me and just “being there” for me through a challenging period, I have been able to alter my thought processes and shift my perceptions to the point where I’ve managed to shake off a lot of my insecurities and fears.

I know there are still going to be ups and downs but at this very minute, I honestly feel like a ton of shit has left me and that my life, although complicated and at times very stressful, is ok. That I’m ok, that I’m the perfect me without “being perfect” and to hell with anyone who doesn’t agree.

So I’m finding it easier to face people, situations and events that would normally reduce me to a sniveling hermit and see me run for cover. And it’s totally liberating. It’s like re-connecting with the real essence of who I am again – the me who used to be fearless in the face of a challenge, the me who didn’t give a rat’s ass about what people thought, the me who had a voice and used it, the me who heard “you can’t do that” and then showed them that I could, because I believed in myself.

A little bit of my mojo is back, at last 🙂

I don’t know what today’s session will hold, and that’s ok. I’m not getting my knickers in a knot about it and I’m not making the mistake of thinking that the outcome is something I can control anyway. What will be will be …