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Two thumbs up from this cow_grrrl to Tyler Reed and his gathering of gorgeous geeks (Denham Coote, Matt Gerri) at Younique for creating this AWESOME new WordPress plugin!

Basically, the new MobilePress plugin, which I’ve just installed on this blog will allow you to view justB[coz] on your mobile handset in a bandwidth- and time-saving format.

Go on – give it a try!

For WordPress theme developers, sites can now be customised for individual mobile browsers. Fabulous 🙂

Allan Kent was one of the first to download and install this plugin – check out his blog at MediaFrenzy for the first screenshots of MobilePress in action on the iPhone and various Nokia N95 browsers.

w00t w00t!

Well done Younique … you guys rock 😀

Methinks I smell the tip of an ice berg here.