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Pics from WC2010 – Day 1

Better late than never!

And err, yeah – these were taken on my iPhone so they aren’t too marvelous, sorry.

Some of my team, decked out for the big day.

Some of my team, decked out for the big day.

Absent team member, lol.

Absent team member, lol.

And another one :-)

And another one 🙂

Doing the office pool draw.

Doing the office pool draw.

Oooooh, I wonder who I'm gonna get?

Oooooh, I wonder who I'm gonna get?

Lining up for the national anthems

France vs Uruguay - lining up for the national anthems.

Getting ready for the kickoff.

Getting ready for the kickoff.

First corner.

First corner.

In the crowd ... 64100 people!

In the crowd ... 64100 people!

What an experience that was, despite the lackluster football.

Had to laugh at all the locals thinking I was a foreigner though, haha 😀

My next outing to the stadium is on Friday for England vs Algeria WOOOOOOOO!