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I’m having a Fat Day

‘Stroo …

I gingerly stepped onto my new bathroom scale this morning to see what the damage was. Shite. Damn thing tells me I’m up a kilo! Shock. I think I vowed in that moment to never eat again.

Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that I haven’t been to gym for nearly 3 weeks now nor that my recent diet has consisted mainly of chicken burgers and coke – so not good and definitely not helping towards my yellow bikini efforts this year.

So, one kilo heavier and now I’m feeling like a pregnant hippo. Naturally, I couldn’t find anything to wear this morning that didn’t make me feel like Ten Ton Tessie either. Sigh.

I just HAVE to get back to gym next week, when this work frenzy is over, and start eating better too. All this rubbish going down my gullet is just making me fat and lazy.