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Seether concert was fantastic

Thanks to Sir G, I actually got to see Seether live in concert at Cape Town’s Grand West Arena last night! Wow … what an evening!

We left home at 6.30pm, me suitably attired in a black, rock-chick outfit and Sir G wearing his brand new “iPod” Tshirt from =) It was nice to see such a mix of people there – the normal throng of screeching teenies, yes, but also a lot of older people along with (and I thought this was so sweet) quite a few dads there with their offspring.

We arrived at the venue as Love Jones was playing, I’ve never really been a fan of theirs, but I think their music is starting to grow on me a bit (if I close my eyes and avoid looking at their lead singer.) I saw them last year in Joburg where they supported Fall Out Boy and was less than impressed. But last night’s session was actually pretty good. Although that lead singer (can’t remember her name), she seriously needs to be nominated for that “How Do I Look?” makeover show! Bright green leggings, red takkies, a sloppy, mud-coloured, falling-off-the-shoulder Tshirt and probably the scariest hairstyle ever, do not add up to anything REMOTELY resembling attractiveness … urgh!

Anyway, moving on. The next band up was 12th Avenue. Have you heard them before? I haven’t. They are from Cape Town and apparently they get quite a bit of airtime on 5fm, but I don’t listen to the radio much. They were great! I think I’m a fan already =) Their lead singer has an engaging on-stage presence and a really good voice. The music was not too shabby and the whole band was really vibing! They put on an excellent show and I really enjoyed them.

Then there was another band, but I have no idea who they were. They were just OK. Unfortunately their singer’s voice was completely drowned out so you couldn’t hear what the hell he was singing. I got bored, so I dashed out for a quick smoke break and another beer.

And then … drum roll … the main act: SEETHER.

Awesomeness =)

They were so good, actually much better than the last time I saw them 3 years ago at My Coke Fest in Green Point Stadium. They have worked hard on their live act and it shows! They’ve been touring with Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin in the States and have really polished up their show in that time. Of course, they now also have a whole bunch more tunes to deliver and their set was a nice mixture of their new stuff together with some older songs from the Saron Gas days. Time just flew by as I lapped up their performance and it ended all too soon for me!

Sorry – I didn’t take any photos of the concert – I didn’t want to risk having my phone confiscated. They are very strict about all types of recording and when we went to the Mary J Blige concert last year, I saw quite a few people losing their phones.

And then we decided to be rather impulsive and try our hand at the slots … we WERE at a casino afterall!

10 Minutes later and I was R1200 richer!!!! Hehehe =) I’ve never won so much in my life! Stoked! I hurriedly cashed in and left before I was tempted to carry on and see if I could win more …

A really great night =)