Aug 21, 2009 | WordPress
I’m SO stoked 😀
I just received an email from to let me know that my site has been selected to be featured in their WordPress gallery to showcase outstanding WordPress sites!
We have some good news for you:
After careful consideration of, the WordPress powered site that you submitted to, we are happy to notify you that it has been approved and it is now listed in our gallery of outstanding WordPress websites.
The fact that we approve only about 1 out of 10 submissions that we receive, means that this is quite an achievement and yet another reason for you to be proud of your work. Congratulations!
Go vote for justBcoz here!

Aug 18, 2009 | WordPress
All my grateful thanks to Sir G for his coding help – I know it was a bitch to get right, some really tricky areas, so I’m super-proud of you for battling through – and to Chris M for assistance with deploying. You guys are the greatest … LOVE working with you 🙂
Aug 17, 2009 | WordPress
The time, she has arrived my friends 😀
justB[coz] will be going into lockdown mode shortly and will be back up and running tomorrow (Tuesday), wearing it’s brand-spanking-new design!!
I’m excited … can you tell? 😀
Aug 13, 2009 | WordPress
Just had a quick walk-through of my brand new blog with Sir G and bloody hell, she’s looking FINE!
w00t!! It’s really cool to see my design coming to life 😀
Just some IE testing and a few bits and bobs to sort out before the Big Reveal. I guestimate early next week, so watch this space …
Jul 27, 2009 | WordPress
I got my A into G and finally redesigned my blog HURRAH 😀
Now, I just have to get this bitch coded and then all shall be revealed!
But, just in case you *can’t wait*, here’s a sneaky peek preview …

Apr 1, 2009 | Websites, WordPress
Sir G finally got his A into G and created his very own WordPress theme to relaunch his blog!

He did good. Go say hello 😀
(Yes, that’s me at the bottom wah!)
Shit. I’d better get *my* A into G now and get cracking on my own theme!