Apr 6, 2010 | Friends and Family, Life at Home
I only remembered to take one photo on my birthday:

This was quite early on in the day, before about another 15 people arrived.
I need a bigger garden π
Thanks to @andrevr, @al_ice and @kambabe for letting me hijack their pics:

This is The Braai Master! Man, he did a GREAT job π

And then yesterday, I got to open all my pressies!
Just LOOK at how spoilt I was …

And it wasn’t over!
Today, my awesome team treated me to even MORE birthday spoils:

I am one lucky girl π
messaged me
came to celebrate
gave me pressies
made me feel uber loved
shared my special day with me
I had an amazing birthday and I’m grateful to have been able to share it
with so many wonderful people, both online AND in real life.
Mar 17, 2010 | Life at Home, Work
Well, after 10 years I have FINALLY taken the plunge and going ahead with the much-dreaded (and way overdue) renovation of our office.
The Shit Hole is getting a face lift at last π
It all starts tomorrow with the new laminated wood floor being laid. Then the place gets painted, new lights get fitted, floating shelves get put up and wooden blinds get hung. And then *drumroll* … the MOST exciting part … a brand new server HURRAH!
Obviously, everyone’s had to clear out of there and move into my house for the week that this is going to take. Yeah, so we’re snuggled up nice ‘n close in here … all 8 of us, heh.

There are now THIRTEEN computers in here!

Thank goodness we have 4 strong boys here, moving all that heavy stuff
looks like it was hard work, neh?

Note the finger pointing happening on the right, lol!

Kak. That doesn’t look good!

And here lies the poor Shit Hole, waiting for some TLC.

Jan 19, 2010 | Friends and Family, Life at Home, Out and About
Mmk, so I didn’t blog anything over the festive season but I did manage to snap a few photos
along the way. Here’s a VERY brief look-see into the last couple of weeks …

Dinner overlooking the beach at Wang Thai

Christmas Eve at Sir G's brother's house

Some of the Sir G clan

Sir G's mum

My boys next to the koi pond

Chin wagging with Sir G's brother

Sir G with his new toy

Son#1 in charge of the Christmas braai

Mom and Dad

Pringle Bay

View from Chapman's Peak Drive to Hout Bay

The Sentinel

Lunch at The Toad, Noordhoek

Son#2's birthday - 16!

Took him out for sushi and Avatar 3D

Another birthday - I think he likes his pressie, heh.

Did lots of this

At Kirstenbosch
Nov 23, 2009 | Life at Home

See that?
Voluntarily. As in I didn’t even ask!
I just had to record this, for theΒ sake of posterity, you know?
*** UPDATE ***
Clean dishes dried and packed away by Son#2
Oct 5, 2009 | Friends and Family, Life at Home
So yesterday was my Dad’s birthday and to celebrate, we had our first braai in AGES!

Thanks for doing all the “manly” work Sir G – you did great π

The Birthday Boy π

With his grandboys …

Nice to have Son#1 back at home, even if it was just for the arvy.
(Eat some more, baby – you’re getting skinny!)
Dad – I hope you had a good time …
Good luck on your new travels today.
Jun 3, 2009 | Life at Home, Work
Probably because absolutely *nothing* interesting is going on right now. I’ve hit a serious slump and I’m thoroughly bored with my life. Jeez, I need to get out and find a frigging LIFE! I mean, it’s just occurred to me that my car is now just over a year old and I haven’t even driven 9000kms yet – and that includes a trip to Plett and back. Pathetic, really.
So … quick catchup (if you can stand the dullness of it all) …
Son#1 is out the house now – for good this time, it seems. I’m ok with that. I’ve made peace with it. He’s 18 now and I have to let go. It’s entirely his own choice and I think he’s old enough to make the best of it. He’s bunking with friends for now, until he can find a place of his own. I’ve made arrangements with the X for him to pay over Son#1’s portion of maintenance to him directly, to pay for rent and I’m giving R250 petrol money, R500 for clothes and a monthly grocery shop (which is about R1500). It’s setting me back a little but I don’t want Son#1 working while he’s in matric.
I miss him.
Work-wise, things are pumping, as usual. Here’s a sneaky peak at some stuff we’re busy with:

I really should make a start on revamping this site – I feel like SUCH a fraud having a blog that uses somebody else’s template! Eeek.
I’ve kinda stopped watching TV, apart from Monday nights – Survivor, Lost and House night! I’m PVR’ing all the Lost episodes and one of these days I’m going to have a marathon catch up. I do this because I’m far too impatient to wait a whole 7 days between episodes hehe π
Instead of TV, I’ve been reading like a demon. I’ve always loved books and reading but I’ve not been reading as much as I like to recently and now I’ve taken to re-stocking my library and spending loads of time inside my books. Escapist, me.
Other than that, I’ve nothing to report. Seriously. It’s all pretty hum drum and uninspired *yawn*
“Only boring people are bored” … ? I’m in trouble!