Christopher Mills and Fiona MacDonald are engaged!
Congratulations, my friends!
😀 😀 😀
Congratulations, my friends!
😀 😀 😀
Miss me?
I miss me!
Crazy times, I tell you … work always goes ballistic at the end of the year and what with us being a team member short, it’s seriously busy. Not that I’m complaining – we’re so lucky to be busy. I’m just a bit frazzled and I can’t WAIT till we close in 2 weeks HURRAH!
Mmk, so here’s a speedy summary of what’s been going on:
OMG, that’s it! Sheesh … that’s grim.
Oh yes. I fell over my dog a messed up my arm a bit <— this is news? Pfft.
But *this* weekend should be superlicious … it’s THE KILLERS!!! Yes please 😀 I haven’t been to a concert in ages. Should be a goodie. And it looks like half of Twitter will be there too YAY!
See that?
Voluntarily. As in I didn’t even ask!
I just had to record this, for the sake of posterity, you know?
*** UPDATE ***
Clean dishes dried and packed away by Son#2
The Twilight Saga New Moon Red Carpet Premiere
New Moon Premiere | MySpace Video
I can’t wait!
The movie comes out on Friday but we’ll only get to see it here *next* Friday.
If you haven’t seen the trailer yet, here it is:
Yeah, yeah, yeah … I’ve been MIA from this here blog for a while … this I know.
Anyhoo, I reckon you’ve probably had enough of staring at the pumpkin arse by now, so here’s something else for you to stare at and ponder upon until I have enough time and motivation to write a post.