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I’m out and about this evening!

I’m going to The Book Lounge to celebrate the launch of “Fuse”, the second novel written by the gorgeous Sally Partridge.

Her first book was “The Goblet Club“, which I have managed to track down and buy but have not yet read.

The reviews for “The Goblet Club” I’ve seen so far are awesome, so I reckon it’ll be time well spent:

This is a beautiful read, at times very dark and creepy, and at times poignant, haunting and magical…From the first page I was hooked and the author skillfully draws the reader into this strange, dark, yet frighteningly accessible world.
– Claire Montague-Fryer from Women24

This gothic-style novella embraces magic, mystery and dark intrigue
– O Magazine, February 2008

It is a dark story which cunningly captures the tormented soul and mystery of “the teenage boy”… Her writing is so convincing one almost believes this is a true account told by Mark Llewellyn-Bryce himself.
– Cape Times, September 2008

The Goblet Club, by first-time author, SA Partridge, has all the ingredients for a great teen read
– Something Wicked Magazine, May 2008

The Goblet Club is ‘n heerlike boek met talle verrassings. Die spanningslyn word geleidelik snaarstyf getrek, komiese ­ele­mente vang jou onverhoeds, die dialoog is vlymskerp en die eienaardige karakters boei jou enduit.
– Die Burger, November 2007

Sally Partridge has succeeded in creating a story that is both dismal, yet strangely uplifting in ways that I find hard to define…To tell anymore of this Gorey-esque plot that would make a really good movie for the likes of Tim Burton, would be to give away too much. My only complaint is, please Miss Partridge, can I have some more please?
– Nerine Dorman, Adamastor Writers Guild

FuseAt the launch, Sally will be in conversation with Fokofpolisiekar and aKing musician Hunter Kennedy – and guitarist (and fellow author) Derick Muller will be spinning some tunes. Definitely a night for the cool kids!


For more info about Sally, visit her website or follow her on Twitter.

I’m really looking forward to meeting her!