Or at least, that’s how I feel …
Hmm … I’m just kind of going through the motions in my life right now and not feeling very motivated to put in more energy or effort. Perhaps it’s just because I’m exhausted. I haven’t been sleeping much for well over a month now and I’m starting to feel like I’m running on empty. Buggeration! I don’t know WHAT the problem is, but I keep waking every 2 hours or so – wide-bloody-awake – and then I can’t get back to sleep. It’s damn annoying, I tell you.
I was chatting to Sir G about my “stuck”, going-nowhere-listlessness this morning and he reckons that a lot of it has to do with this house. I think I agree with him. There’s terrible energy here, it’s completely draining! So I need to think more seriously about moving. I put it out of my mind because I believed that I just didn’t have the finances to make it happen, but perhaps it’s time to just bite the bullet and go for it? OMG, I don’t even want to think about what a logistical nightmare that’s going to be!!
In the meantime though, what I *can* do is make sure I get out the house more. I seriously don’t do that enough. I had such a good time at Alba Lounge on Saturday evening – it was so great to meet up with everyone (and to meet some new people), and it once again reminded me how good it is for me to get out and about and hang out with friends … I’m going to make a REAL effort to do more of that. I’m going to go out to movies and eat out at restaurants and invite people to join me! I’m going to be forward and ask people if I can come visit them (wah!) and just generally make sure I’m not stuck between these four walls day after day after day after …
You get the picture, right?
I haven’t really done any of that stuff before because well, I’m basically a single parent at home now and I’ve never felt comfortable leaving my kids at home on their own. As you know, Son#1 doesn’t live here anymore so I’ve been even *more* wary about going out and leaving Son#2 by himself. But, I’ve been chatting to a few people about this and they all seem to reckon that he’s 15 now and old enough to be left on his own for some time, so I can go out for a bit.
So, this is a turning point for me. I’m taking the bull by the proverbial horns and forcing myself to get out of my staying-at-home-all-the-time rut.
Now, I just need some sleep and then I’m good to go.
Wish me luck!
Right. Seems like everyone is in agreement with me here … yours truly must go forth and mingle!
Oh I am SO with you on leaving the kidlet home alone… I still need my darling Glugster to remind me that he’ll probably be okay and that I don’t have to phone him every 20 minutes.
But going out and mingling and being a grown up is so important.
Strongs girl!
Hey Sue,
staying between the same 4 walls all day and all night can’t be good for the human psyche. Cabin Fever anyone? 😉
Good luck with everything, and go give the Salsa classes a try!!! I DARE YOU 😉 See, now you must go out 😛
I agree with all that Hanlie has said. (I mentioned the Melatonin at lunch yesterday) and think you should go and see the lady at the health shop. Switching from coffee to Rooibos tea could make a difference in many ways and sounds more difficult than it actually is.
Wowza Hanlie! You’re a treasure trove of brilliant information 🙂
Shit, giving up caffeine ??? But I’ve *always* had caffeine … why it suddenly start making a difference? Tell you what, I’m going to give everything else a shot, and see how it goes. If I’m *still* battling, I’ll come back to the caffeine thing.
I read that article … I think the clutter story is a big issue for me. I was just saying to the guys last week that my place is so full of crap!
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm … time for a spring clean methinks.
@Briget hehehehehe 🙂 yeah … before the ol’ fandangle needs a zimmer frame!
Go out there and have some fun!! You deserve it.. Go throw some angle in the ol’ fandangle. hahahahaha!
Son#2 will be fine.. 😉
There are a few things you can do to make you sleep better…
1. Give up caffeine. Nobody likes to hear this, but caffeine, even if only taken in the morning, can still affect your sleep.
2. Very importantly, spend some time outside in the sun, or at least natural light, every day (20-30 minutes) with the eyes uncovered. The pineal gland is situated right behind the eyes and when full spectrum natural light enters the eyes, it stimulates this gland, which releases the hormones melatonin and serotonin, which respectively regulates your sleep cycles and makes you feel good. Vitamin D, one of our most important nutrients, is absorbed through the skin, so avoid sunblocks for your daily sunbathing. I know it’s harder in Cape Town, which is why many people have problems with their sleep and feel blue in winter. But it really works!
3. Don’t eat later than 3 hours before going to bed and drink a cup of chamomile tea without sugar after your last meal.
4. Don’t watch TV or sit at the computer for at least an hour before going to bed, as the light from the monitor or the TV can affect you.
5. Exercise in the morning. It gets the blood flowing and helps stimulate the hormonal system, which affects your mood and ability to sleep.
I don’t have any advice about the bad energy. I don’t doubt it for one moment though… Moving may not be a bad idea! Oh, and I’ve just read this very interesting article about feng shui and she specifically mentions sleeping… http://crazysexylife.com/2009/feng-shui-101/
HAHAHAHA!! 10 points for persistence 😀
Ye, you know how I was feeling strange a week back and since I’ve thrown myself out the flat and forced myself to get out and interact, I’ve started to feel better – I guess the exhaustion coupled with the “dormant” state (if that makes sense), holds a person in a bit of a slump. Saturday was awesome indeed, let’s organise another!
Leaving son #2 at home will result in him playing computer games, just as if you were there, so I wouldn’t worry about that too much, in my opinion 🙂
So, salsa beginner class tomorrow 19h30 ye? *smiles* And if you’re anxious about just going along, I’ll teach you the basics before you go, so you’re already a little ahead of the rest 🙂
Hmmm … ja. It’s time. I can’t spend the rest of my life being a bloody hermit! I’m rapidly approaching 40 and I need to shake off this feeling that the world is passing me by …
Excellent. I think Son#2 is old enough. And its tough, please dont get me wrong… its sooo tough to leave your kid behind. but youll see, going out to dinner, seeing a little and living a little. hells, Sue, you deserve it! XXX