Mmk, so my short ‘n sweet birthday wish-list is apparently just a tad TOO short … lots of people are still asking me what I want.
Hmm …
You know, this is going to sound a bit odd, but I honestly can’t think of anything!
Let me just write then, and see what comes up:
- I’d love for someone to help me change the dead light bulbs in my house. Shortness sucks.
- A head, neck and back massage would be pretty good – struggling a bit with this right now.
- Clean windows would rock my world too.
- Could do with some help sanding and treating my bench outside – before winter sets in.
- Flowers, flowers and MORE flowers – can never have too many!
- An external CD drive thingy for my little netbook.
- Enormous house on the beach.
- Gift voucher for La Senza – have literally busted out of my bras WAH!
- One of those big, bouncy gym balls.
- And books – any books – I devour everything!
That about covers it 😀
Oh! One last thing … a casual get together with a bunch of you guys on Saturday afternoon.
If you are, join me at Forries at about 3pm and let’s celebrate/commiserate together!
Nice list you’ve got together – no waaaays will I consider the window cleaning thing (don’t even clean my own) but one or two of the other options might find it’s way to you 🙂
6. Aaaah yes
7. 😉
9. I gathered, but still eeeek.
Fe is joining us as well, looking forward to it!
@Chris M …
6. For my Msi, not my Mac 🙂
7. Shit. I tried.
9. Lol. I’m not going to sit on it all day man! I need it for free weight training – I gave my bench away due to lack of space and now my weights are just collecting dust on the floor …
Awesome! Haven’t been to Forries for a while, so I’m looking forward to it 🙂
Oh, and count me in for Saturday! Fe will hopefully join us too.
Awesome, I’m impressed that you came up with 10, sjoe!
My thoughts:
1, 3, 4 – I’m not cut out to dirty my hands, sowwy 😉
2 – nice!
5 – nice!
6 – Finding one for a Mac which runs Windows, hmmm!
7 – I wish I could!
8 – Hahhahahahhahahahaha, no comment 😀
9 – These are bad, had one at Yeigo, it popped the one day, let’s just say, OUCH!
10 – kewlies
This does make life easier 🙂
No-one’s offered to buy me my house, dammit.
Well, just in case you’re up for it and wondering what I’m after, something like *this* would be The Shizz:
LOL @BigFriendly … “Just Juan!”
You coming to say hi at Forries on Saturday? Please?
Dad … Sjoe!!! I’m being spoiled 🙂
And a book that I just got for you. And What ever else I happen upon.
Using the words “La Senza”, “bouncy” and “bra” in one post is just not cricket I tell you. I was going to volunteer light bulb changer but I see that Dad already has that covered.
Q: How many Mexicans does it take to change a light bulb?
WOHO! Readership blackmail … interesting tactic hehe …
Hmmm…. That’s sad. So extremely and utterly sad. I am left with no choice but to stop reading this blog until such time as I see something posted about Twilight in line with the author of said blog actually reading one if not all of the serious.
I am so dissappointed 😛
OMW!! Thanks Dad, that’s AWESOME 😀
But you already bought me my drums!?
I am on for the light bulbs, sanding and treating bench and also one of those big, bouncy gym balls.
Erk. Must confess, I don’t have that series. I *almost* bought it last week but I think my arms were already full 🙂
Is it *that* good? I know there’s been lots of hype. And mixed reviews …
But I’m game to read just about anything so yeah – let’s add that to The List YAY!
As far as the meeting is concerned I will be there in spirit.
As for the books, if you have not by now gotten someone to get you the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer I am disowning you in every possible way 🙂
I LOVE my pressie!!!! Thank you, you sweet, thoughtful, special person XXX
And yes – that card totally needs to be poster-sized and up on my wall 😀
GAH! i get you on the lightbulb front! am so tired of having to ask someone else to come over and reach up high to replace them!
hope you like your pressie XXXX