I want to be taken care of.
I want to be fiercely independent.
I want to love freely and completely.
I want to guard my own heart.
I want to be there.
I want to be here.
I want to feel significant.
I want to fly under the radar.
I want to be sensible.
I want to be silly.
I want isolation.
I want company.
I want to dream.
I want to live in the now.
I want to let go.
I want to be in control.
I want to feel free.
I want to feel safe.
@Rox … you’ve hit the nail on the head girl!
Too much clutter mutes that little voice.
*aha moment*
I know that feeling only all too well – have been battling with something very similar for the last few months, getting worse the last week or two.
It’s never easy, and sometimes we lose sight of our gut feeling, especially when things get confusing and we have to look at the bigger picture all the time. Sometimes I get overwhelmed, and the older I get, the harder it is to see through all the clutter.
All I can say is, like your dad say – baby steps, and also give yourself breathing space to get back in touch with that teeny inner voice who knows deep down what she wants to do.
Like Mt Everest – step by step. You can’t reach the top all in one big rush. Plan your work (route) and work your plan!
define which areas of your life you want to balance more” – seems like Mount Everest right now 🙂
I’ll get there …
I suppose the first step is to define which areas of your life you want to balance more, from there, you’re correct, you cannot predict the outcome, which is obviously a fear and something which just needs to be taken by the horns..
@Chris … hmmm, ja.
And I think my Dad’s right – the trick is to try and find the balance.
At the moment the ideas above are all HEAVILY weighted in one direction and that’s why I’m feeling out of sorts … I never really gave this much thought before now but now that I’m evaluating where I am (for the first time ever I think!), I’m seriously not happy with the status quo …
And I guess I can’t know what the outcome of change will be until I try it hey?
Perhaps the simplest way to manage this is to do both! Simply seperate your behaviour into time slots. So, provide yourself with a time to be silly (I’ll provide wine) and then a time to be sensible (I’ll bug you with work queries).
Would that be possible?
KAT!!! Helloooooooooo 😀
Brilliant to “see” you again!
Aren’t we just – sheesh … seriously difficult hah!
But I’m starting to realise that this isn’t just me, that it’s possibly not some existential or mid-life crisis after all. It appears a lot of us are *very* mixed up LOL.
This is like, how I feel all of the time…LOL
We are a confused and confusing bunch eh? hahaha
Dammit man, you guys are not helping 🙁
Perhaps I didn’t express myself clearly enough … this is ripping me apart.
This is how I feel every day. Embrace the confusion 🙂
simultaneous oscillation? duuude, i run on it. 🙂
That’s LIFE my daughter!! Many, many choices and we have the power of decision.
It all comes down to balance in the end – not too much of one and not too little of the other.
oscillate … awesome word.
Is simultaneous oscillation possible?
so i wanted to say thank you for being human, and brave. X
You oscillate.. just like me…http://cathjenkin.wordpress.com/2008/02/17/i-oscillate/
its normal.
it just takes brave people to admit to it.