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It didn’t start too well though – I had every intention of waking up at sparrow fart to get an early start on a new project we landed yesterday that has such an insane deadline, we’re all balls and fannies to the wall!

But … true to form, yours truly didn’t manage the early wake up thing (I really MUST stop going to bed so late – DAMN YOU MASTERCHEF!) and I was a bit panicked that I wouldn’t be able to get through my part of the project in the alloted time today.

I needn’t have worried 🙂

This is the first time we’ve tackled something on this kind of scale as a team, and under such pressure, and between Sir G, Chris and me, we ROCKED IT OUT!

I’m seriously super stoked at how well we’ve combined our skills and gelled together to whizz through a really SHEXY site … YAY US 😀

Right. It’s time to get dinner on the go and recharge.

Hope you’ve all had a good day?

PS. Only a couple more sleeps till my drums arrive!!