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TOOT TOOT!! <——– That’s me blowing my own trumpet WAHA!! πŸ˜€

Mmk, I’m not gonna lie here, I am STOKED about this!

Sure, this blog is my outlet, it’s my personal space on the interwebz, it’s my sounding board, it’s my rant vehicle, it’s my individual life log, it’s my keyboard therapy, it’s my written expression, it’s my point of contact for many new people in my life – and for those whom I’ve known for years.

Most importantly, it’s 100% me, zero bullshit.

And while it’s all these things and I love every minute of being able to share pieces of my personal life that no-one would otherwise know about, there’s always a part of me that wonders if my blog ramblings actually add value to anybody else.

Well, I just received an email from (an African blog aggregator service) that made me smile πŸ™‚

You’re the best in Africa

Hi there,

It’s Lester here from the team.

Ever wondered who the top female bloggers are in Africa, or which women you should be following online? We did, so we compiled a list of the top female bloggers – and you’re on the list!

Your blog justB[coz] made it into the Top 45 for female bloggers in Africa, well done!

For us compiling this list was an interesting exercise as we didn’t explicitly know which blogs are authored by women but we went on a mission to find out.

To see your rank, check out the table here:

While this list is not the be all and end all, it does provide some interesting insight into which female blogs you could/should be watching. It’s clear that South African female bloggers dominate the list (at the moment) but we are very excited to see Nigeria, Kenya, Egypt, Uganda and Ethiopia make it on the list.

Till next time, keep on blogging.

Team Afrigator

So yeah, I guess I AM adding value somewhere … you’re reading and you’re returning πŸ˜€ Given that the large majority of my posts here are about personal issues (there’s not much about my work or tech/geek topics), that’s awesome!

And because of the recent flack I’ve taken for blogging, this is VERY welcome news!

I’m expecting that there’ll be a fair bit of debate about Afrigator’s list, but that’s the wonderful thing about the world of the web these days – engagement and communication!