Push yourself
You can coast and you can do fine.
But over time this will make you stale and tired. You’ll lose your edge.
You perform at your best when you’re tested.
So, if you’re good at what you do, if you almost do it blind-folded, stop.
Walk away. Raise the stakes.
Do something you want to do, even if you’re not sure you can do it.
Take on a challenge.
Even if you fail, you failed at something hard, not easy.
And you’ll learn something you didn’t already know.
[Adapted from “The Obvious” by James Dale]
Pretty apt, considering yesterday’s post …
Hello Swiss!!
Yes, Son#1 totally accepted it – no problem whatsoever *whew* – what an awesome kid he is. And yeah, happy to report that the weekend was completely DRAMA FREE.
*hugs* to you too my sweet, have missed you 🙂
Hey hon
I’m finally catching up after a week away!
I hope the talk with Son #1 went okay and he understood and accepted it and most importantly that your weekend was drama-free.
Secondly, I saw the photo of you from last weekend – you are beautiful!!!
Wishing you a restful Sunday!
Love it!