So I can make purty pictures 🙂
Son#1 is going to be the recipient of my first “art work” since I left school in 1988!
I am *almost* finished with his room – just need to get the curtain pole up, hang the curtains
and the Masterpiece above (!) and then I’ll take some after shots …
Hehe … you and Sir G with your Chelsea rubbish 😀
Yeah, nearly done!! Sheesh, frantic rush to get it all sorted!
Only just saw the post now in Google Reader! Congrats on getting everything done 🙂
Nice artwork too 🙂 I’m not an artsy person, to me, a huge poster of the Chelsea squad from 2002/2003 is artwork 😉
Why is no-one commenting on my Masterpiece?
C’mon dudes and dudettes – this took me friggin HOURS!
Well, *I* like it … hehe