I’ve ummed and aaahed about going ahead with the upgrade to my WordPress blog software for a few weeks now. I didn’t really feel like fiddling with all the file and database backups or having all my theme customization completely messed up. The idea of losing my content or having my layout wrecked was a bit daunting. I spent so much fiddling around to get things looking and working the way I wanted them to and to see all that go down the bog would have been just a tad irritating.
Luckily, I found a plugin that does the upgrade automatically – no uploading or coding required (once the plugin is installed that is, but that’s easy enough). It only took me 5 minutes and there were absolutely no hassles. So far, so good … WHEW!
So, for those of you who are not technically inclined or don’t feel like all the graft, try the WordPress Automatic Upgrade plugin – works a treat =)